Halloween & back to boot camp
After dinner, carving and watching most of the Duck football game, we headed over to the neighbors' for party #1. After an hour or so, we moved on to the runners party where we knew more peeps.
Both parties had some awesome costumes. But I'll start with ours first.
First, Dr. McDreamy
And the reinforcement. I think my hat resembled the Statue of Liberty's crown thing.
Costume: Tar-get, police detective accessories: Fred Meyer, lipstick: Cover Girl
Have you seen the Double Rainbow Youtube? There were four of them dressed as the double rainbow. Pretty funny now that I've actually watched the video.
Same costumes, only one is shorter...
A rocker doing his thing
Everyone's safe at this party, the doctor has his stethoscope.
It was a super fun night even though we were sort of racing from one place to the next. When we got home around midnight, my throat was starting to hurt more just from being out and about. I still have yet to kick this cold completely!
Perhaps another run tonight and pizza with the running group will do the trick? Mhm...crossing my fingers.
Wednesday starts my return to boot camp also known as Lifeforce Fit! And guess who will be joining me?? The manfriend! He's excited to get hisbutt core whipped into shape for the cycling season. I just can't wait to see how much he sweats.
What is Lifeforce Fit? It's a 90 min intense class with yoga as a warm up and cool down, strength training with your bodyweight and dumb bells, ab/core work with various exercises and balance balls, pull ups and push ups, lots of jumping things (i.e. burpees or jump squats) and inspirational messages. The owner, Jay is great about pushing you, while not making you hate class. I really dislike the drill sergeant type instructors.
What's your most hated or hardest exercise? The burpee is it for me. I recently did them at home (during The Fitnessista's Int/Adv winter workout), by myself and it wasn't THAT bad, but it's pretty darn painful when you're doing 20+ of them.
Both parties had some awesome costumes. But I'll start with ours first.
First, Dr. McDreamy
And the reinforcement. I think my hat resembled the Statue of Liberty's crown thing.
Costume: Tar-get, police detective accessories: Fred Meyer, lipstick: Cover Girl
Have you seen the Double Rainbow Youtube? There were four of them dressed as the double rainbow. Pretty funny now that I've actually watched the video.
Same costumes, only one is shorter...
A rocker doing his thing
Everyone's safe at this party, the doctor has his stethoscope.
It was a super fun night even though we were sort of racing from one place to the next. When we got home around midnight, my throat was starting to hurt more just from being out and about. I still have yet to kick this cold completely!
Perhaps another run tonight and pizza with the running group will do the trick? Mhm...crossing my fingers.
Wednesday starts my return to boot camp also known as Lifeforce Fit! And guess who will be joining me?? The manfriend! He's excited to get his
What is Lifeforce Fit? It's a 90 min intense class with yoga as a warm up and cool down, strength training with your bodyweight and dumb bells, ab/core work with various exercises and balance balls, pull ups and push ups, lots of jumping things (i.e. burpees or jump squats) and inspirational messages. The owner, Jay is great about pushing you, while not making you hate class. I really dislike the drill sergeant type instructors.
What's your most hated or hardest exercise? The burpee is it for me. I recently did them at home (during The Fitnessista's Int/Adv winter workout), by myself and it wasn't THAT bad, but it's pretty darn painful when you're doing 20+ of them.
And you, my dear, look HOT in your police costume!!!
Sounds like a fun night! My favourite part about Halloween is seeing all the costumes!! Some people have some really good ones!
Best doctor to have as a manfriend...a pretend one! Yes, I am opinionated.
That bootcamp class sounds awesome!
For me, the toughest thing we do in my body pump class are these hover moves where you alternate tapping your foot to the side and then an arm to the side. I pretty much couldnt' do it which showed i have no core strength.... :( Working on it, though!