Past, Present or Future?

As I said yesterday (and I sure you other marathoners out there can attest to), there are things I've simply been looking forward to for months now.

With 4-5 nights a week spent focused on running and a few other focused on cross training, there is little time in a marathoner's schedule to just do what she/he wants! Well, now that the race is over, I'm ready to get on to those things and LIFE in general!

So, what have I been dreaming about?

1. A free week night to spend a few hours in the kitchen brewing up butternut squash soup, a pumpkin cheesecake, fluffy rolls and the list could go on

2. Time to do an hour long yoga classes, a bike ride, a muddy trail run where I don't care about distance or time

3. Taking photos of the changing leaves

4. Soaking up Fall because as I've discovered, I do love it so

5. A night with girlfriends at a wine bar

6. Reading a book and finishing it within a month

7. Taking a hike with the manfriend

8. Dreaming about the future (I'm already cutting out a bunch of stuff from magazines for my vision board)

9. Looking at my closet and figuring out what the heck I'm going to wear to work that makes me happy (every day is a challenge, people)

10. The pumpkin patch. Pumpkin beer. Pumkin carving.

What things have you been putting off because of your work/life schedule that you just can't wait to do? I know that being able to do just a few of these things will make me feel much more balanced in general.

On the workout front, I've been doing some light exercise around these parts. Monday I did a little spin on the bike, got a massage and took a walk with the runners. And yesterday, I went to the gym to spin for 20 min, did a little core work and then hopped in the pool for 20 min of easy laps. Pain level in the legs is: ~ 4 (was about a 9 post race).

When I think about all of these things I've simply been waiting to do, I notice that I'm not living in the moment. However, that's part of the marathoner's life. You're running all those miles to get to the end goal...finishing that 26.2. And once you finish that, you get the reward of going back to your regularly scheduled programming.

All the same, I think it's important to notice when we're living in the past, present or future. Would you say you spend most of your time living in the past, present or future? I'd say, I'm usually living in the present, although sometimes living more in the future when I'm not happy with what the present is showing me.


Amber said…
Oh I am SO looking forward to a lot of the same things you are! Mainly having the time to cook and sleep in a little in the mornings. The freedom to spend Sunday mornings curled up in bed instead of pounding pavement. It shall be blissful :-)
Emily said…
LOVE the off season plans. I have my own list I will be indulging in very soon!
Gracie said…
I have lots of gifting to catch up on! I like to make hand made baby gifts, and we have about five friends with new babies. I was doing so much running I couldn't work on anyone's gift.
Lisa's Yarns said…
I am looking forward to running w/out my Garmin... and running as far as I feel like running that night...

I am looking forward to having drinks at dinner w/ the barrister instead of sipping water and staring longingly at his glass of wine...

I think marathon training sort of messes w/ your perspective... all you do is think about race day and do all these runs/etc to prepare for it. And then it's here and it's over and you are like - huh, now what?

But I am really ready for the 'now what?' feeling. :)
This makes me anxious for next week, where time frees up and I don't think about scheduling a LR around an odd/changing work schedule ;)

I try to live in the present; rarely look back, unless it's in reflection (as I've done a lot during this training, but with refreshing results); and look forward to plan and get excited! I love the Vision board idea - I'm polishing up my "goals" for lulu, feeling a sense of excitement for what to challenge myself with next.
Raquelita said…
I am looking forward to having more time for writing and for yoga. I'm also looking forward to going out dancing, and not having to plan my weekends around my long runs!

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