The Hunger Subsides

Most of the time. But today, I hit the streets at 5:45 pm and the hunger monster began creeping in. Usually, after a few minutes of running, the hunger goes away. But not today!

Tonight, I did 18 min of warm up and then hit the hills. I finished 6 hills at 60-120 sec each (2.5 miles of hill loops) and then did a short cool down. 51 minutes --6 miles in total

Throughout the workout, the hunger beast forced me to stop and walk on the hills twice because I felt like I was going to throw up I was so hungry. Seems kind of oximoronic, eh? Luckily, I had half a peanut butter chocolate Luna protein bar in my car and some H20 to consume as soon as I finished.

Does the hunger monster ever attack and not relent during your runs? This is probably the first time it was so severe I couldn't run much further.


While watching the first of this season's Biggest Loser, I heard some pretty heartbreaking stories from contestants, but also seriously staggering facts.

*Every 2 out of 3 Americans is obese.

*The state of Arizona spends $1.5 BILLION per year on obesity.

Did you watch the Biggest Loser? A few of them couldn't even run one mile. It was pretty sad. Like Bob said, everyone should be able to run one mile. You don't have to be a marathon runner, but to have the fitness to complete one mile should be doable for anyone.

But I have to give the contestants a TON of credit. Not many people are willing to put their personal struggles and unhealthy lifestyles on display. And, they have a long way to go and the road there will not be easy.

Well, now I'm going to bust out a little yoga on the mat because these glutes and legs are tiiiired. And I should probably get to that whole packing thing because I'm so SLOW at it. I get to throw in some summer clothes because it's still in the 90's in Nashville!


Amber said…
Good for you for running while you were so hungry! I cannot handle running if I'm hungry - my stomach feels too messed up!
I've definitely never been That hungry - ouch! Those little Luna Protein bars are soo good - not a bad snack to have in this emergency ;)

I'm glad that TBL continues to put those stats out there - sometimes they really bring the point home. Health Insurance costs go up right along with those numbers, as do Childhood obesity levels. :( We have a lot of work to do!
Lisa's Yarns said…
Yikes, those are some sad/scary stats... I don't watch the show anymore but I used to watch it religiously and was always inspired by the contestants... would be so tough to put yourself out there on national tv like that.

I have never been super hungry when running but there have been a couple of times where I have tried to take a nap on a Sunday afternoon after a long run and I have to get up and eat because I was too hungry to relax and fall asleep!
Run Jess Run said…
I heart TBL! It's so inspiring to watch the contestants overcome their challenges and realize they have a problem.

I have had the attack of the hunger monster a few times. It's usually on my shorter runs when I think, "It's only 3 miles, I don't need to eat anything."
Anonymous said…
I have never had that problem....running usually kills my hunger.
Danielle said…
Have fun, fun, fun with Kware! I'll miss ya this weekend!
Sava said…
I usually am struck by the hunger monster at the END of my morning runs, when my tummy realizes that its time to be awake and breakfast should happen soon ;)

I watched the biggest loser the other night, but honestly it doesn't interest me as much as it does other people.
I think most reality TV is unbearable, and as inspiring as it may be, it is not something that I want to spend time away from other things so watch.

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