Budget Shmudget

You don't hear me blabbering much around here about budgeting and pinching pennies. Probably because I'm not very good at it. Well, in most areas anyway.

Here I am in Switzerland in 2009 when we had to get Swiss Francs rather than the Euro, which is used everywhere else in Europe. The bills looked kind of like artsy Monopoly money.

I'd say I'm good in some areas: I make my lunch every day of the week, try to go out to eat maybe once a week, avoid alcohol at restaurants when I don't REALLY want a glass.

But I'm not so good in other areas: clothing (because I love it so), workout gear (I justify that it doesn't matter what it costs, more or less, because I sweat a lot and am worth good exercise stuff), vacations (hell, I'm on vacation, I deserve it!), etc.

Well, the last month or two all that fun stuff has gotten out of hand. Well, that and buying plane tickets to fly out to the midwest for Christmas. ;) I find myself every few days staring at my online credit card statement thinking "Why in the hell is this total so high?"

In all reality, it's not that high, especially with a plane ticket thrown in there, gas to and from Cali, and two nights at a hotel in Monterey, but still. It's crazy how those small trips to the grocery store, gas fill ups and $40 here and there at Gap or the local running store will add up. Luckily, I should be able to pay the card off at the end of the month as I do every month, but ultimately, I don't want to be stressing about the balance.

Part of me knows I need to tighten up the purse strings a bit, but the other part of me thinks "Hey, I'm paying my bills and student loans AND saving money for retirement. I can live a little." I guess it's just a matter of how much I allow myself to live it up. :)

What's your attitude on spending and saving? What areas could you improve on? Feel free to send your money saving/spending strategies my way!

And with that, I'm off to fly the friendly skies (or something like that) and spend more money in Nashville!


Sava said…
I use Mint.com to set budgets for myself,
and I usually go a little bit over in one budget or another, but it helps me to see where my money is going and what I need to cut back on.

Lisa's Yarns said…
I think I am a decent spending. I put money in my 401k and then have a certain amount of each paycheck go to an ING savings account. I could save more and not go on vacations, but I am of the opinion that life is to be enjoyed. I work hard so I should enjoy the fruits of my labor. And my spending is not out of hand and I have no credit card debt (pay mine off each month as well) so I figure I am doing ok!

When I changed jobs this spring I put together a budget and got a better grasp on cash out / cash in and that awareness has really helped me!
Amber said…
I think as long as you're saving, then you're doing good! I am on a straight-out-of-college salary (i.e. VERY little) so I don't buy clothes ever because I can't afford it if I also want to save for small vacations etc. But as long as you have a savings account and you're paying down debt I think you're doing well for yourself!

Maybe challenge yourself to put away an extra $25 every 2 weeks or something like that? I doubt you'll even miss the extra shirt or couple of lattes it would buy you and then you'll have extra money to pay for your upcoming vacays!
Gracie said…
I never spend anything because I'm a cheapskate ;-)
Unknown said…
I find that each month I spend more in one area that is different than the month before. I have set up auto debits into my savings account which has really helped me. I also use Mint - love it! It takes a little bit to get how to use it and categorized everything, but give it a few months and you will see the difference.
Raquelita said…
I think as long as you're saving and you don't have credit card debt that you can't pay off every month, you are in the lucky minority of Americans. We do only live once, and I think vacations are a completely worthy expenditure.
There is a saying, "My money talks...it says goodbye."

:-) Not that bad off, but I am not the millionaire next door that drives a Gremlin either.

I (would like to) think my saving habits have improved. I now pay extra towards my mortgage principle every month, contribute to a 401K, and have a bit of a buffer. But, I know, that I could do better.

My weaknesses: travel, good food, books, wine, coffee, chocolate.

My only advice is that if you can't pay off your credit card every month...it might be time for a change. Budgets and micromanaging are time consuming...and I would rather be running, reading, or whatever.
Jamie said…
Etsy is one of my weaknesses. So are handbags. I'm getting much better at it though!
No doubt the Swedes would appreciate your take on their dinero design - " artsy Monopoly money" - ha! :)

I try to budget groceries and pack lunches; I rarely spend money on Clothes (for now), but have spent a good amount on Lululemon gear in the past week, for obvious reason (it's awesome, and I actually have to wear it - ha, not a bad thing). We also try to only eat out once a week and go easy on the drinks if we Do get them. Little things add up quickly!

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