one wrong turn

The running gear was packed, but it didn't get used and I'm totally fine with that. Feeling optimistic, we took a county bike map with us that had a nice 60 mile ride around the coast range. Saturday we woke up before the sun and took the dog (Jonah Bell) to the beach. She had an absolute blast running up and down the sand dunes and sprinting after some poor birds.

I felt up to the ride so we got a nice breakfast of pancakes and eggs in before putting on the layers of gear. With a few peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and payday candy bars in our pockets and some water, we ventured out.

The first ten miles were beautiful. I wished I had a tiny hand held camera that was easy to bring with me on rides. I've seen some of the most gorgeous scenery on back highways and roads that beg to be photographed.

At some point and after one major hill, we had the option to turn left or right. Not bringing the map, but writing down vague directions we had to choose right because it pointed us toward a town. Not the one we were headed for, but a town none the less. Well, nine miles (and a few more decent climbs) later we were in the little town of Ava and discovered we should have taken that left turn. Alas, 20 miles were added on to this 60 mile venture, but I maintained I could do it (I thought).

After finally getting back on track and heading down the correct road, manfriend declared "we can't do the whole loop. We're both tired from those extra hills and 20 additional miles and who knows how long it might take us." I agreed it probably wouldn't be the smartest decision since we weren't prepared with enough food or lights. So we did a few more miles before turning around.

As we made it back to town with 50 miles under our belts, we stopped at the bar for a refreshing beer, fries and clam chowder. Just what the doctor (our appetites) ordered!

Sunday, I saw the sun rise and then we ventured out on the other half of the loop and did an easy 25 miler before mimosas and packing up to head home. Perfect cap to a relaxing weekend! And then the manfriend read Sassy Molassy for the first time...ever. Manfriend now refers to himself as such, which I'm taking as him liking his little nickname on this here blog.


Anonymous said…
alright, I officially need a bike - this kind of adventure would be Perfect for days when running just doesn't seem to hit the spot (plus - you can't exactly hop out and Run 60 miles ;) ) .....

Love the pic and the way you two chose to spend the weekend! :)
Amber said…
Those photos are beautiful. And I agree with Heather, I've GOTTA get a bike!!!
Great pics!! Looks like a lot of fun :). I just found your blog and it's great!
Lisa's Yarns said…
Those pics are beautiful. What a great weekend!

Man friend reading your blog is a huge step! :) Yea for you!

Oh, and I have to say, if I had to describe my type, he would look like your boyfriend. I hope that isn't creepy, but he is so attractive and I am a total sucker for a guy in glasses.
Lisa-no problem. I'll agree, he's a cutie. The glasses stole my heart. The first time I saw him wearing them I was like "whoa" because every other time we'd been at running group so he had contacts on instead.

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