30 days notice!

Well, it's official friends: I've given my 30 days notice to my landlord. It's with a little anxiety, but a lot of excitement that I'll be moving in with the manfriend. Don't say you didn't see that coming... ;)

I always dreamed of one day renting a nice beautiful too expensive for me apartment on my own, but the accountant (or shopping fiend) in me just couldn't do it. So, I stayed cost efficient and stuck out the roommate situation. And it was no doubt a great situation for me. I wasn't home a ton and I love traveling, shopping and just having the freedom to do what I want, when I want to. And with low rent costs, I could do that.

And then a little over a year ago I met the manfriend. As the relationship grew, we soon realized that me packing/unpacking/repacking bags of work and exercise clothes every few days was just not going to work. And neither was him bringing the dog over and trying to be fair about who stayed at whose house each night. Sooner or later, I decided to remove some stress from myself and decided I would just bring more clothes over and plan on staying most nights at his house.

Not too long after that, his roommate moved back in (read: broke up with his girlfriend and started living at manfriend's house again). About six weeks ago, manfriend talked to the roomie and let him know he wasn't being kicked out, but would like me to move in sometime in early 2010. Well, said roommate is now in the midst of house/apartment hunting and has given his notice. And that means, I'm moving in...officially!

Although, I never did rent that too expensive for me apartment, I know that this is better. It's better because it's about the future, a future I've committed to 100%. I don't know what I might do with my career or what city we might land, but I know that this relationship is for real. And that is far better than some little white walled, smartly decorated, spotless apartment you keep all to yourself.

Stay tuned for a little beach retreat recap! I didn't hit the pavement (or sand) for a heart pumping run, but I did clip into the cycling pedals and went for a few rides with the man. Hope everyone's weekend was fabulous!


Amber said…
I'm SO excited for you. You're going to love living together. Living alone is fun but I miss living with Eric SO MUCH!
Lisa's Yarns said…
Good for you - what a huge step for you & the man friend. It totally sounds like the right decision for you guys so yea for you!

Yah, living alone is great, but it's not all that great when you are in a relationship. It's not like you'd actually 'enjoy' living alone since you'd always be with the man friend.
Anonymous said…
Sass!! I'm so happy for you!!! :) You two are definitely working - this is a big step, but you sound *more* than ready for it :)
Danielle said…
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! Can't wait to hear more about it!
Run Jess Run said…
Congrats!!! Living together certainly alleviates the "where are we going to stay tonight" debacle!!
Shoshanah said…
It all sounds awfully excited for you too! Good luck packing everything up and moving!

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