Would you? Could you?

I'm sick. Not full blown, but the throat is sore and the head hurts. I can't really concentrate when I try to work and I took half a sick day yesterday. Blah. Anywho, I had to get a little workout in today so I went to the gym at lunch for 20 min of spinning and 15 min of weights with the arms. Now I feel like junk.

Anyway, I just came across this article via msn.com about a blogger who is spending $365 on groceries IN A YEAR! Kind of amazing, no? I think I spend that in a matter of just a few months so to fathom spending just $1/day is near ridiculuosity.

I'm not sure I'd want to give up the occasional night on the town, baking projects which cause me to spend a wee bit much at the grocery store, and frankly, organic meat. It costs an arm and a leg and although I often enjoy eating vegetarian, I couldn't kick meat for good.

Well, I hope everyone's enjoying their St. Patty's Day. While I won't be out chugging green pints, I might sipping a Guinness as I whip up a batch of Chocolate Stout Cupcakes. That is if my head doesn't hit the pillow by 6 PM...


Barbara said…
WOW! That must be really hard to do. I used to read Jane4Girls all the time, a blog by a woman that budgeted $800/year on groceries for her family of 4. She really helped me learn ways to cut back!
Anonymous said…
Omg, that a grocery challenge in a whooole 'nother league! Wow - I'll have to check in on that :) thanks for the link

Aw, hope you feel better soon, Sass!

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