Life's Scary Stuff

Truth #1: The manfriend would not want me to write an entire post about this.

Truth #2: This experience scared me so much, I had to share. It was one of those "holy s&%$, why is this happening?" moments.

Last night, we got back from Lifeforce Fit. The manfriend had mentioned having a tingling/numb feeling in his right arm after class. When we got home he said he was going to puke and laid on the bedroom floor. He didn't puke.

It wasn't until we sat down for dinner that things got a little scary. I asked him a question and he couldn't really give me an answer. He just said a few words. I thought he just didn't want to know, he was annoyed that the gf was asking all these questions when he just wanted to relax and eat dinner.

Then he said something else that made me turn off the tv. He asked "where do I work?" I was like "you're joking, right?" He wasn't joking. For the life of him, he couldn't remember his boss, the company he works for, the dog's name, several of our friends' names. It even took him a minute to think of my name.

This is where it got really scary and tears started streaming down my face. I immediately grabbed the computer to look up stroke symptoms and my phone to start calling friends in the medical field. And then I called my parents. I demanded the manfriend put on some shoes and a coat because we were going to the hospital. He didn't want to go and he didn't want me calling friends to ask questions.

As I drove to the hospital, it was kind of this surreal moment in my head where I'm thinking "this cannot be happening. why? what if he never remembers this stuff? please don't be anything serious. should I drive the speed limit or SPEED to get there faster?" Ugh, it was terrifying. All the while, he is trying to relay facts to me that he does remember and I was trying to hold back tears.

It's safe to say, this is the last scenerio I imagined for a usually calm Wednesday night. At 9 pm we were checking into the ER with a friend there for support (thanks, Jimbo!) and my parents were on their way.

As he tried to relay what had happened to the ER nurse, the manfriend had difficulty even making a sentence. And when he did, it sounded like complete gibberish. He was getting frustrated with himself and it was really hard to watch. Eventually, he was seen by a doc and had a cat scan, which came back negative. He was also seen by a neurologist and got a spinal tap.

A while later, we were moved into a more comfortable room where he could be all hooked up getting his pain meds, nausea medication, IV, etc. Docs are saying it could be just a terrible migraine, but they aren't ruling out other possibilities, which is why we're still at the hospital waiting for various test results.

This morning (although I have a hard time distinguishing last night from this morn bc they mushed into one), the manfriend was able to speak in complete sentences and had his memory back. Whew!

*The neurologist just came in to tell us that she looked at all the test results, which were normal and it was a severe migraine. Crazy! I'm so glad it wasn't anything serious though.

Moral of the story is: when you think something is wrong, act on it. Don't wait! If this had been a stroke or something else severe, waiting could have meant a different outcome. I'm so glad we took ourselves to the experts and got it figured out.

Okay, I need some sleep. This chica is running on 2 hrs of interrupted sleep. Oh and with every towel we use, IV bag drained and nurse who shows up to take his vitals, I just imagine stacks of money flying off into space. Can't wait to see the bill!


Kara said…
So glad he's better! That would be terrifying! I'd probably do the exact same thing being the worry-wart I am!
Kerry said…
Oh Lauren! How terrible and terrifying! I'm so glad that things are looking up. If you need anything, holler.

Also, I had surgery awhile ago and learned that while hospitals may not offer information about payment plans, they generally do no interest low payment things if you ask. I paid off my surgery $75 dollars at a time over an eternity.
Kerry said…
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Run Jess Run said…
Holy cow! I'm so glad that Manfriend is ok!
Michelle said…
I'm so happy that Pete is going to be alright. What a scary situation! I'm sure he is incredibly happy to have such a supportive parther in you.
Meggie said…
I read a previous post on you being picky about men before you met said manfriend (who I'm glad is ok!) family tells me this all the time; that I'm not going to get married because I'm too picky. How'd you finally find manfriend? Got less picky or he fit the mold?
Gracie said…
Read this post:

It turns out it was transient global amnesia - and it seemed very similar. I know how scared you were and I'm relieved with you!
Amber said…
Omg Lauren that is so friggin scary. Poor Pete :( I'm so sorry you guys had to go through that but I'm also so glad you found out what was wrong and he's on the mend!

Thinking of you guys and sending good and healthy thoughts your way!
Anonymous said…
Oh my goodness that is awful! I am so glad it wasn't something more severe. Really makes you not want to take life for granted, huh!
SGRMSE. said…
wheww. so glad your boyfriend's okay though. REALLY SCARY STUFF :|

thanks for sharing this. couldn't have been easy to recall and relay it all back.
siri said…
Yikes! Scary business. And gutsy of you to write it here. My brother-in-law had a heart attack in the fall- at the age of 33! WAY TO YOUNG! He's fine now and looks at it as an almost positive turing point in his life- has changed his diet and lifestyle dramatically and is thankful for every single day that he wakes up. I'm so glad that Pete was ok in the end. Lucky that he had you around to drive his butt to the hospital and find out was was going on.

Good wishes to you both!
J said…
Scary stuff! Glad you went to the ER and he is feeling better!
Lisa's Yarns said…
Oh no... I got chills and started to tear up when I read this actually. How scary. :( I am so glad that you guys went in and got it checked out right away.

The wife of one of my good friends had a stroke this August. They are still trying to figure out what caused it. She made a miraculous recovery. She's back to 100% but they are still trying to figure out what happened. She is a very healthy, very 30-something so it's just bizarre - and very chilling.

Sending you a hug from afar! I hope you guys have a peaceful/relaxing weekend. What a horrendous thing to go through but I am so glad it all turned out ok!!!
liz said…
OMG Lauren, I'm sorry both of you had to go through that! It couldn't have been easy but you did the right thing, and thankfully everything is alright :)
Erin said…
This is SO scary! I can't imagine being in your shoes!!! I'm glad your manfriend is okay---and I hope you can relax and enjoy your weekend together. I know it's hard not to think about the medical bills---but just know----it was worth it! It will all work out somehow :) Thanks for sharing your story!!!!!
Aron said…
OMG that is so so so scary. I am SO GLAD he is ok, but you were so smart and did the right thing.
Sass!!! :( Ugh, I can't imagine what was going through your head, and how hard it was for him to experience all of the above. I'm so sorry you guys had to go through that, but SO HAPPY that it wasn't anything "serious". Way to take action!

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