The Third Trimester: Weeks 29 and 30

I'm currently 30 weeks along. It's kind of scary to see my bump app telling me I have 9 weeks and 2 days until my due date. So soon! Things are about to get real around here! 

Week 29

How I'm feeling: Mostly good. This was finals week and it felt good to take my tests and be done for a bit. My mom came down to spend the day with me and attend my first appointment at the midwifery center.

It also happened to be my glucose test for gestational diabetes, which I passed! The glucose drink wasn't that bad. The kind I had was a lemon-lime flavor and clear without food dye and such. It basically tasted like a cold, flat Sprite.

The need to pee frequently has returned, likely because the baby is pushing on my bladder.

Baby: is the size of an acorn squash (~15.2 to 16.7 inches, 2.5 to 3.8 pounds).

Weight gained:  18 lbs

Exercise: Aqua jogging! I finally gave into the fact that I likely won't be running until the end of this pregnancy on ground, so I decided to head to our local city pool to do some aqua jogging and use their treadmill and weights. I also threw in some running, elliptical, and yoga into the mix this week.

What I'm wearing: My mom took me to Motherhood Maternity for a new pair of jeans (my H&M skinnies got too small), two bras, and a dress for the baby shower.

Baby preparations: I ordered our crib mattress after waking up several mornings worried that we had so much left to do and get for Baby Moe's arrival.

Cravings: All the carbs.

Week 30 

How I'm feeling: Baby is moving a ton. Sometimes it feels like he/she is trying to break out of baby jail. The kicks and movements can be so strong they can scare me at times.

After getting home from the baby shower, I was so exhausted I had a classic prego moment where I just sat on the couch with my feet propped up for a few hours trying to recover. For the most part, I've had a lot of energy throughout the pregnancy, but some days the lack of sleep and/or the extra 20 lbs really gets to me.

Nesting has definitely hit me hard. I just want to clean and organize everything in our house, which is good because there's plenty to do.

Baby: is the size of a cucumber (~15.2 to 16.7 inches, 2.5 to 3.8 pounds).

Weight gained:  20 lbs

Whoa, belly had some growth in the last week...

Exercise: More aqua jogging, walking, weights, and yoga. It does feel a bit weird not to breathe really hard after a workout (like I would with running or HIIT) or be pouring sweat from the forehead. But I know there's plenty of that in my future.

The bump in workout clothes. Likely one of my last walk/runs.

What I'm wearing: Same as before. Starting to wonder how long after pregnancy I'll still be wearing maternity clothes.

Baby preparations: I found a diaper bag (on sale!) and lotion caddy for the changing table at Pottery Barn Kids. We also got some great items at the baby shower, including a Rock 'n Play, baby clothes, hooded bath towels, and more. I also bought some disposable diapers, a NoseFrida, crib mattress protector, and baby lotion. On the nesting front, I deep cleaned our freezer to prep for the extra meals I'll stash away for us to have in those first few weeks.

Friends with older babies have also given me some great gender neutral clothing, so I'm hopeful we won't have to buy too much in that department for the first few months.

Cravings: Cookies, chocolate, and pastries. Yum.

Random thoughts: This week I sort of reached that point where I've just felt overwhelmed a few times about the amount of little (and big) things we need to check off our list. I know the baby will be fine no matter what, but I'm a planner and worrier by nature. Prepping for a baby these days is like training for a marathon - 24 hr dedication, affects your eating/drinking, requires a lot of gear, and can be exhausting.

On the up side, with my endurance background, I'm confident I'll power through many a sleepless night like a champ. Not saying it will be easy, just saying I feel a little prepared in that realm.

How's your week going? Is anyone else already looking forward to summer produce? I refuse to buy "fresh" berries at the store until they're in season here, so I'm impatiently waiting for summer.

Related posts:
The Third Trimester (eeks!)
Where does all the weight go?
The Second Trimester: Week 27
The Second Trimester: Week 26
Pregnancy Favorites


Lisa's Yarns said…
You are so mentally tough, I know you'll get through those sleepless nights! And you've got an excellent partner to help you out! You've got this! I can see how it's overwhelming to prepare for the arrival of a baby, though. It's kind of like a wedding - there is so much to do before the big event but really the most important thing you'll ever give this kid is a happy, healthy environment to grow up in. :)

This week has been kind of bleh for me. Finding out I have to move has just sort of thrown me off a bit and the weather has SUCKED. It snowed on Sunday night and then again last night and while it has melted, it's still annoying and it's so cold out. I want the 60 degree weather back! Since I'm feeling a little cranky about things, I decided to take Friday off as I just need a mental health day to get some stuff done and relax a bit.
Leigh said…
You are all belly! Love it :) I know it's hard not to feel overwhelmed, but it will all get done :) I felt like the nursery HAD to be complete before I was due, but we didn't use it for the first couple of weeks (we moved the chair and changing pad into our room as it was easier in the middle of the night)
Kyria @ Travel Spot said…
Wow, you really popped in week 30! It's so amazing that you have a little human growing and moving inside of you...

Don't worry too much about all the little (and big) things! My friend's daughter slept in a crib in her walk in closet for the first year (it was a big walk in, in a one bedroom apartment) and she turned out okay! Everything doesn't have to be perfect...
Amber said…
Your belly has really popped! You look great. I think it's natural to feel overwhelmed by all the preparations that go into having a baby but you will be just fine and you guys will get everything you need done!
Taylor said…
You are so much more prepared than I was! You've always been mother hen, a nurturer and a voice of reason... you're going to be a natural mama! Can't wait to meet this little squirt!
Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said…
I think we parents need to start a new trend of pushing you parents to be not to do a damn thing before you bring baby home, because you wind up spending so much freaking time at home that you'll have plenty of time to finish up the nursery and all those other odds-and-ends projects that you believe you need to finish before baby comes. Just saying. =)

You look great. 30 weeks is a major milestone as far as the baby-survival-outside-of-womb goes. So, that's really awesome you've come this far and are feeling as good (albeit, tired at times) as you are!
Elizabeth said…
BAAAHH you are just ADORABLE! I LOVED the IG picture from Smith Rock too gal--way to go. Sounds like things are coming'll all fall into place really and truly. Once baby is here, you'll just be enjoying the love that's there :) PS Email me regarding your schedule for next term...this coming Friday is a no go but what if we tried to meet at Silver Falls on a Friday??

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