Overly Ambitious as Usual

Now that it's been almost a week of this darn cold, I'm beyond ready to ditch it. I played it safe this week and didn't do much exercise wise. Except Thursday.

Maybe it was the sassy red dress I decided to wear to work or the fact that I decided to ride to work on a day I had two appointments mid day. Before I knew it, I had pedaled 20 miles on that bike between appointments and commuting. Wearing a dress and wedges while riding a bike is kind of fun, btw.

Either way, I got a little ambitious and then tried to run after work. I completed two easy miles and that was more than enough. Granted, I was thrilled to be running, but I could tell my body was not so keen on the idea.
So after a not so fun run for the lungs, I opted to stick to easy yoga, some strength work and walks.

Dreams of an easy weekend were whisked away when we committed to a little home improvement project AKA Mission Replace Rotten Deck 2011.

Well after a long Saturday spend leveling, shoveling, weeding, etc I decided I NEEDED to run this morning. I cranked out 4.5 slow miles with the running group and even allowed myself to walk a bit. After a week of feeling anxious to sweat, it was nice to get a real run in despite the fact that I still feel sick. Sometimes your sanity needs the run, even though your fitness could survive without it.

Last night I spent 15 focused minutes working on the two yoga challenge poses for this week. I also mixed in a few of the poses to help relieve cold & flu symptoms.

A few observations: Handstands w/ the wall are fun. As I work to use the wall a little less, I notice how important it is to engage my core to maintain balance. I'd like to get to the point where I'm also able to do a handstand push up, touching my head to the ground and coming back up. Someday...

My calves are very tight these days from all this running and not enough stretching. Downward dog helps, but I definitely need to make it a regular routine after runs to stretch the legs.

I also decided I have 4 goals for this month's #YogaChallenge: loosen the calves, strengthen the right glute (hello, Warrior III), give the hip flexors some love and work on handstand. Are you stretching toward a few goals this month?

Okay, back to Mission Replace Rotten Deck 2011! I'll show you some progress photos either tonight or tomorrow. I hope you're having a great Sunday!


Lisa's Yarns said…
Good luck on the deck project - can't wait to see the finished projects!

I need to be better about stretching. i am not so great about it and I know if I keep this up, I will pay for it...

I'm stretching towards trying to find more balance in my life. This weekend was fun but it was WAY TOO BUSY and I am exhausted now instead of refreshed...
Amber said…
Good luck with the deck!!

I need to get to a yoga class 1-2 times a week instead of once every couple weeks like I have been lately. I KNOW yoga helps me avoid injuries and with tri training/half training starting up this week the last thing I need are any injuries!
Lisa - I hear you on that! A busy weekend can leave you kind of worn out for the week ahead. I always need a little recharging time, even if it's just a few hrs on Sunday to read blogs, watch tv, and slow down my mind and body.

Amber - Me too! I need to get back to classes. I love hot yoga even if it is pricey. Going to a class now and then is definitely worth it bc as much as I say I'll do it at home, a short stretch isn't the same as 60-90 min with a teacher.
Raquelita said…
Love that dress! I'm definitely a fan of cycling in a skirt and cute shoes!

Looks like the deck project turned out really well!

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