Winning happens.

I rarely win ANYTHING (okay I won a pair of jeans once), so when I received an email from Fitsugar saying I had WON $100 gift certificate from New Balance, I was pretty shocked!

All I had done was posted one of my favorite snack recipes (pumpkin greek yogurt) during their Get Fit for 2011 Challenge.

Is anyone else a part of the Fitsugar community?
If fitness/health articles and tips aren't up your alley, they also have several other communities focused on fashion, beauty, home, money, technology. Occasionally, I find myself clicking over to the other communities, but let's be honest, health is my first love.

The point is, it pays to contribute to the communities you receive great content from and appreciate, especially when there's spandex involved. What's the best thing you've ever won or received free of charge?

P.S. - Congratulations to all you amazing Boston Marathoners out there who were doing some winning of your own yesterday. So proud of you. I dream of being there someday!


Michelle said…
Lucky you! Looks like someone has a great excuse to buy some trail shoes. ;)

I won a pair of Merrell hiking boots at the Banff Mountain Film Festival a few years back!
Lisa's Yarns said…
Nice! Free stuff rocks. :)

The best free thing I have received is probably the blender i got from CSN for doing a giveaway. I think the retail value was like $60?
Anonymous said…
Nice!! Not a bad prize to win (if there's any) ;)

I was pretty stoked when Sony "Sponsored" me for the Denver RnR last year - saved us a lot of money with race registration!

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