I'll Taper...Tomorrow

Happy Friday!

It's officially taper time! Haha, can you consider one day a taper? I think I'm fine with it.

While training for the sprint tri and the 20 mile trail race, was great for my body, it was a little confusing to decide when/how/if I should taper. Before a marathon, I take a pretty serious two week taper, but because there was a week between these races and I didn't feel either was quite as intense as a marathon, I've taken a different taper approach this time.

Last week:
Monday - yoga + spinning/bike (~7 miles) + 4 mile run
Tuesday - yoga
Wednesday - spinning/bike (~7 miles) + 4.4 mile run + Lifeforce (strength)
Thursday - am swim + 3.4 mile run (easy)
Friday - REST day/taper
Saturday - Beaver Freezer Tri
Sunday - 9 mile trail run

This week:
Monday - strength + 6 mile run (5 easyish, 1 hard)
Tuesday - yoga + cycling to and from work (11 miles)
Wednesday - yoga + 1.7 mile lunch run (holy hail storm) + 45 min boot camp/strength
Thursday - yoga + 5.5 mile run (3 miles speed work)
Friday - 3 mile run (easy)
Saturday - tomorrow WILL be a rest day
Sunday - Peterson Ridge RUMBLE!

Sunday's trail race is held in Sisters, OR, which is in Central Oregon where things are a bit snowy and cold right now. As a result, I have no idea how I'll be dressing for this run or how my non trail shoes will do. I just hope the weather doesn't make for sloshy, mucky trail!

Here's a photo I snapped last week after my Wednesday run. This is evidence that a) you can look semi decent with no shower after a lunchtime run and b) tonight's haircut couldn't come sooner (my ends are outta control)!

Sometimes I even bring green smoothies to work for lunch. My coworkers are probably used to my crazy eating habits (i.e. eating anything and everything approx every 1.5-2 hrs).

Do you ever bring green smoothies (or other strange(ish) foods to work? Do you eat at your desk? I should definitely eat outside or away from my desk more often, but when you workout on the lunch hour, it usually requires eating while checking email.

Last night Michelle and I went to see the LA Weekly food critic, Jonathan Gold speak at a University of Oregon School of Journalism event. While he had some interesting things to say, one of the most interesting things I found was that while someone can be a great writer, they can't always deliver a clear speech. It was as if he was constantly editing his words in his head after he'd already said them.

One interesting point that stuck with me is when he said "How can you be a critic of something if you've only tasted a few of them?" A good food critic might have tasted 120 creme brulees and therefore can say whether one stacks up with the top tier or is just an average dessert. But we as general consumers and yelp feedback providers might not have an experienced enough palate to critique whether or not something really is good or not. What matters to me is if the food tastes good in my mouth and whether or not I like the restaurant's atmosphere. How serious do you take yelp recommendations or fancy food reviews?

Hop on over to Michelle's blog for a great post on the lecture and food bloggers vs. food critics.

P.S. Thanks to the Today show, I now know that Crisco is 100 years old. Yippee skipee! Blech.


Amber said…
So excited for your 20 mile trail run! I am doing a 25K (about 15 miles) one at the end of June and I'm super nervous for it! I am planning on purchasing some trail shoes this week to use on the trails as my road shoes just aren't cutting it and the bottoms of my feet get really sore from long trail runs!
Lisa's Yarns said…
Good luck w/ the upcoming run! 20 miles on trails - wowsers! I hope the weather is agreeable for you!

I pretty much always eat at my desk, unless I have made a lunch date with a friend (which I try to do once a week). It's just the way it works in our office. Since I work on a trading floor, no one really takes a lunch because when the market is open, we are sort of expected to available... so people scurry away, buy their lunch, and come back to their desks. I don't mind it too much but i love the days when I do get away!

As far as reviews, I don't really trust them... I like to decide for myself!
Ha, girl that is definitely not much of a Taper - but I'm sure those legs are ready for some miles! I haven't laid off much this week either, this half on Sunday should be interesting... ;)

Um, Crisco, go away.
julia said…
I take Yelp reviews into consideration if they're not 1) a book-length rant, 2) nonsensical or 3) written from a very high horse.

Wish I had known about that U of O lecture. Can us plebes get in, or do you have to have an in with the school?

My ultimate fantasy used to be food writing, but the more I read an hear about it, the less it appeals to me. I'd rather just be a judge on Top Chef.

Ever used coconut oil when a recipe called for Crisco? mmmmmmm

This has been too long.

oh! Most importantly: get it guuuurl.
Anonymous said…
My husband has a good friend who is from Sisters, and they would go there often during college! The parents of his friend own the coffee shop/coffee roaster in town!!

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