The jury's still out

The truth is, I bought Trader Joe's sunflower butter just to try this recipe. Jenna knows her butter and flour, that's for sure.

But last night, I wanted to make a quick dessert before we headed off to the Banff Film Festival so I turned to Tina's chocolate sunflower butter cookies and added in the chocolate covered sunflower seeds.

Tina has some great recipes that are usually "healthed up" so I figured it would be a great choice and I can make Jenna's recipe soon. The thing is, I'm not so sure I like the taste or the crunch of the chocolate covered sunflower seeds in the cookie.

Oh well, at least they look adorable. They'd be PERFECT for an Easter celebration if you loved their taste. Has anyone else tried sunflower seeds in their cookies? I think mini colored m&m's would be tastier.

I hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend so far. We were lucky enough to get a sunny day of 60 degree temps. I didn't want the day to end because tomorrow is sure to bring..RAIN!

I'll have a 5K recap and more baking shenanigans coming soon. My kitchen has been churning things out like you wouldn't believe in the past 48 hrs. Don't worry, some of it is tucked safely in the freezer so we aren't tempted to consume every.last.morsel.

If you're celebrating Easter tomorrow, enjoy! My family always gets together for brunch and a mini service. My gramps is a semi-retired minister who is still up for a little preachin' now and then. As I've said before, I love holidays. My favorite parts of Easter are: the fun pastel colors, getting dressed up and good food with the family.

Does anyone else have a grandparent who still works part or full time?


Ashley said…
Those are adorable! I don't think I can buy them here, plus I doubt I could get my hubby to eat them. ;) My Grandma still works full-time- she owns her own ceramics shop where people can come in and paint to their heart's desire, and then she fires it in a kiln for them. Love her, but she works too much!! Happy Easter!
Lindsey said…
I think I'm going to make those cookies today, or maybe Jenna's. Both recipes look really good!

Happy Easter! I hope you have fun with your family!
Ashley - Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear when grandparents don't want to stop working, but sometimes I just think "go on a tropical vacation, already!" I know I'll be doing that FOR SURE!

Lindsey-Thanks! Hope you're having a great day! FUn to finally meet you yesterday in person.

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