Why triathlon training is genius

I have to admit that training for last weekend's tri in combination with training for this impending 20 mile trail run really worked in my favor. Why? Because it forced me to spend hours my mind and body wanted to be running to do lower impact activities, like spinning, swimming laps, stretching and foam rolling.

Over the 5 marathons and 9 half marathons I've trained for, there are few in which I've NOT been injured either most of the training or right near the very end (damn you, hamstrings). Why? Well, probably because training for long distance road races requires a lot of time spent pounding the pavement and because I tend to neglect the stretching aspect of my training.

While my right hamstring is still not 100% on par with the left and plagues me during runs (and as I'm sitting at my desk), it hasn't stopped me from doing any of my runs this training period. I'm confident that my time in the pool and on the bike has allowed my muscles to become a little more balanced overall (runners often have beefy quads, but lack hamstring strength).

Balance, isn't that the key to everything in life? Amazing how a little balance can do you a whole lot of good.

Cases in point where a little balance could be exercised to your benefit:
  • work is crazy and you aren't giving yourself time to relax in the evenings
  • mornings are spent getting the kids ready for school and evenings are spent making dinner and cleaning up
  • every weekend is jam packed with social events
  • running 40+ miles a week and ignoring stretching and your foam roller - guilty as charged!
  • you don't remember the last time you saw your girlfriends or family members
  • you find yourself regularly picking up food to go that sounds good rather than making a healthy, home cookied meal
  • your spending on frivolous things (clothes, new gadget, vacations AKA wants) is outta control
  • each night is spent in front of the tv or computer and that stack of books is growing taller by the week - guilty!

Is there an area in your life that's out of balance right now? Do you see a light at the end of the tunnel and a solution to get back on track?

I'll be honest, I'm looking forward to giving my body a bit of a break next week. Plus, I promised the manfriend I would. I'm thinking of going to a few yoga classes (one area I've been slacking in). Hello, yoga challenge I've missed you! And maybe just a little biking and running.


Lisa's Yarns said…
My life is very unbalanced right now. I spend so much time sitting at my dining room table, hunched over a finance book of some sort. I really don't accept any social plans and I am really not all that much fun to be around right now... But, I know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I take one of my finance exams next Wed, and the other long one in early June. After that, my life will be much, much more balanced. I can't wait!!
I could go for another Yoga Challenge...maybe a Summer thing?? We should put our brains together on that one ;)

This is such a simple perspective on TRI-training - forcing other activities into the routine to mix it up! I never thought of it that way, but seriously brilliant. Maybe that's the trick to conquering the next 26.2 or 13.1 injury free? ;)

On the last note - I'm always shocked at how freakin' sore my Hammies are when I do squats. Gotta beef 'em up!
Amber said…
March was a VERY unbalanced month for me. With the moving/reno's eating good and working out slipped to the side and I definitely noticed my jeans were tighter when I put them on yesterday! April is all about bringing the balance back.

And because I KNOW I need to get in other forms of fitness besides just running and yoga I am hitting the pool tomorrow morning. Now that I told you I have to do it right?! :)
Danielle said…
I may have to institute a little yoga/pilates challenge of my own! Any chance I can join you for a few classes at Lifeforce?

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