Back into the Swing of Things

With school, it's proving to be much more difficult to run ~30 miles per week with all the studying, homework and commuting that's required. But last week my load was a bit lighter, so it felt good to actually run regularly and feel the effects of it - hello, sore legs.

And, I almost hit 30 miles. I'm also trying to keep up the strength training 3x per week, even if it is only 10-15 minutes some days.

Monday - upper body strength + 5 miles steady

Tuesday - yoga

Wednesday - 4.5 miles steady + strength

Thursday - 4 miles speed work

Friday - HIIT/strength + 3 miles easy

Saturday - 9.5 mile trail run (hills)

Foggy and cold, but so beautiful out.

Sunday - race volunteering + yoga

It's rare that I volunteer for a race and I figured it would be good to give back. The manfriend and I had also run this race last year, so it was fun to see the 10 milers turn around at my aid station and the 16 milers keep on truckin'.

Best meal of the week? Crockpot pulled pork sandwiches + homemade slaw.

Hardest run? Speed work, of course. It's been weeks since I could make it to the workout and this week we alternated between 10K and mile pace, which was challenging to say the least. We did a mile alternating paces and then 4 x 600m with the first and third 200m at 10K pace and the second and fourth at mile pace.

Most fun run? Saturday morning trail run with the girls. It's rare that I run with others outside of speed work, so it was fun to chat away the miles. The miles seemed to fly by and before we knew it, we had covered nearly 10 miles.

What was the highlight of your weekend? And your hardest workout last week?


Jessica Jarrell said…
Love the pulled pork comment :) Reading about your running really makes me want to get out there, but I'm still got some lung crud going on and lack of energy in general. I'd love to have a 30-mile week!
Leigh said…
What gorgeous trails you have to run on! Highlight of the weekend would be getting the nursery painted (finally!). No hard workouts for me, but still staying active :)
Lisa's Yarns said…
The photos from your run are gorgeous! What a beautiful place to run! Nice work on fitting all those workouts in. I know that's a challenge on top of school and everything else you've got going on! I did something to my foot last weekend so I took it easy this past week and did a lot of biking on the stationary bike and some abs/upper body stuff. Nothing terribly challenging but I still got my sweat on. My weekend was a lot of fun since it was Julia Child Night on Saturday which is always a blast!
I love your fall colors! How pretty! I do miss that sometimes, living in the city...

I actually started to do a bit of run commuting in order to make extra time in my life. It is only 3 miles from the BART to my house and so it takes me about 40 minutes total, whereas the bus would take 30 - 40 anyway, so it is a great way to get in a few extra miles and it doesn't really take me much longer than normal!

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