May Goals

Whoop, there it is! Hooray, Friday!

The manfriend and I are busting out of town to Southern Oregon for a short and sweet overnight so he can do some cycling with a friend. Meanwhile, I'm going to check out a new yoga studio and maybe log some miles.

I love checking out new yoga studios when I visit a city because while we have lots of yoga in Eugene,  there is room for improvement. I think my favorite studio is Groove Yoga in Bend where the flow is challenging, but not ridiculous, the staff are friendly and the music is always bumpin'. 

May Goals
I really want to get better at handstands, arm balances and inversions, which all require a lot of shoulder strength, core work, balance and trust. Over the last year or so, I've definitely made some major strides in this realm as I become more trusting of myself and my abilities. 

But during the month of May, with the help of some of my Instagram inspirers, I'm going to really work on my shoulder strength and make it a point to get upside down more often!

Yogaglo has some great shoulder strengthening sessions that I'll be utilizing. 

Speed Work
Last night we did one hell of a workout. Thursdays are speed night and coach Ian instructed us to meet at Hendrick's Park for hills to take advantage of the shade on an 80 something degree night. 

I walked there feeling sluggish and 90 min later I was wiped. 

The workout: 10 min warm up, drills, 25 min of steady hill loops (~.3 mile each), 6 x 100m sprints up the hill, 10 min cool down + another 10 min jog back to my car. This whole running in the heat thing is going to take some adjusting...

On that note, I'm so relieved it's shorts {and neon} season again!

Fashion Friday
I'll be the first to admit, this is a little casual for the office. But let's be honest, when it's 86 degrees out, I don't have much motivation to don full slacks and heels. And the dress I wanted to wear needed ironing.

On top of that, working on a University campus, the second you step outside you see kids throwing frisbees and girls laying in their bikinis. Soak it up kids, the real world awaits. ;)

Top: Ann Taylor, cardigan: Target, pants: Old Navy, sandals: Franco Sarto 

What's your favorite thing to do in a new city? Do you have any goals set for yourself for this month? 


Guess I should be happy my office is super casual. Otherwise, I'd be screwed all summer when temps hover in the mid 80s and above! =D

Goals for this month include curing my dry skin and eating better.
Raina said…
I get the workouts emailed from Ian every week, but have never been to one. I should go-- but you have me scared! In my previous life as a runner I lived near campus and ran up Hendricks park - then down- every time I ran. Doing repeats would kick my butt!!! Great job, lady!
Hope you found some trails to run in southern Oregon. Very excited you'll be in MRTR too. :)
Lisa's Yarns said…
That sounds like an awesome workout! Running in the heat is tough. It was super humid in Charlotte last week and I had some tough runs as a result! I really struggled through a 5 miler on Thursday in 85% humidity and kept reminding myself that it will make me a stronger runner.

When I visit new cities, I try to find a running club or suggested running routes. Checking out a yoga studio is a good idea, too. My goal for May is to keep calm and move home. :) There are so many details to attend to, I feel pretty stressed about it but am trying to focus on the excitement of my move home!
Amber said…
Too casual or not, that is such a cute outfit!

Arm balances are really not my forte in yoga. It's not because I don't have the arm/shoulder strength but it's more lacking bravery and core strength. When I took that arm balancing workshop for 6 weeks I really realized how important core strength is for arm balances!

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