99 Days and Go with the Flow

Ah, the days are flying by! Scratch that, the weeks and MONTHS are flying by. According to our Macy's wedding registry, we have 99 days left until the big day - gulp!

Add to that the fact that this time of year we are super busy at work (as opposed to the rest of the year when it's slow...ha), so time just seems to speed by.

Today at work a coworker asked a few of us if we wanted to grab lunch. While this may seem like a normal thing, I take my lunch to work and rarely go out in an effort to eat healthy and save $$.

I passed with the stipulation that I'm up for it, but I just need advance notice. I know, I know, "really?!" you're thinking.

Anyway, it got me thinking about how we "Planner" types interact with the "Go with the Flow" types and vice versa. It's not easy.

I'll admit that most of my friends whom I easily interact with, are Type A planners. I really struggle with the go with the flow types. That being said, Pete is a go with the flow-er. And in our relationship, it works out perfectly. I NEED someone who will just say "hey, forget about all those stressors, obligations, etc, let's go get a beer or take a drive" on a random night.

But in my friendships, I find it much harder to find time to hang out with my 'go with the flow' friends. By the time they've decided when they want to do something, my schedule is full. Granted, I LOVE these people for who they are and the traits they have that I lack. Trust me, I wish I didn't take myself so seriously at times and didn't always. need. a. plan.

But I do. That's how I am. Planners, lists, schedules and solidified plans make me very happy. And yoga and weekends help me let go of control, if just for a little bit. 

Speaking of which, I've really enjoyed NOT having a race plan to follow right now. Yes, I'm keeping up my mileage, strength training and stretching, but there's something to be said for just being able to do what ever damn exercise you please on a particular day. 

I don't feel like I have to run just for the sake of it. I run because I want to or because I want to see the running group. Last night, Pete and I went on a 20 mile bike ride after work. It felt good to mix up the routine even if the legs were tired. 

So tell me, are you a "Go with the Flow-er" or a "Type A Planner?" Have you found ways to work with friends/family/coworkers who are the opposite? 


missris said…
I am SUCH a planner, and most of my friends are too. It usually works out for the best because they know how I feel and we're really good at making plans together...but sometimes I wish I was a bit more spontaneous and go-with-the-flow.
Tasha Malcolm said…
I am totally "type a". The definite over board planner kind of a person. My hubby is the complete opposite. It drives me nuts! LOL. :-)
J said…
Awesome - those 99 days are going to fly!

I am such a planner! And most of my friends are planners, but of course my husband is not. He likes to have a planned out day, etc but leaves the planning to me which I love/hate. And I totally need a day in advance notice for going out for lunch because i pack my lunch every day.
Amber said…
I am definitely a planner and most of my friends are NOT so I've learned to go with the flow a little more. I don't mind going with the flow though, it can actually be really fun. Lately I've been keeping my weekends mostly unplanned so they can be more "go with the flow-y" with Eric since he isn't a huge planner.
Lisa's Yarns said…
I am 100% a type A planner and I do not go with the flow well. Phil has helped me on this, though, as he likes to kind of go with the flow on things. We worked it out so that we would figure out what days we were going to see each other, but we wouldn't necessarily have to hav ea plan for those nights.

I don't do well with people who can't plan get togethers and want to just 'see how their week goes' or things like that. Because if they can't commit to seeing me on a certain day, I will fil that day with something else. And then I feel bad when they get back to me and want to see me and I have to say I'm no longer available, but at the same time, I am frustrated with their inability to plan!
Unknown said…
My situation is the same right now! I'm a planner, and my boyfriend goes with the flow. It drives me nuts when trying to arrange an evening out with him though - it's never entirely organised until we're out the door!

On the other hand, not having any strict running schedule right now is actually making me enjoy running more, as I'm just doing it for fun :)
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Raina said…
I hardly plan anything out, except for the things i want to do...in my head. This can lead to problems sometimes. ha! When it comes to running, I'm quite a bit more organized than the rest of my life.
Next time you have someone ask you if you want to join for lunch, maybe you should just ask "are you paying? " If not, then you have a perfectly good excuse to not go!

BTW- love the slideshow on your sidebar. I find myself staring...
I am so type A, it's not even funny. I don't always have to have a plan for what is going to happen, but I need to set aside those hours all the same. Like you, I often say no to lunch dates because they come up at the last minute and I already made my lunch or made plans to run at lunch or whatever. It's so annoying when people can't make plans ahead of time! I have a group at work who never will commit to happy hour or lunch, but they throw out the idea at 4:15 on a Friday and then wonder why I am so "anti-social"!

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