
Dare to dream. Open your blinds, let a little sunshine in and see what could happen if you just embrace it.

As part of the #FebPhotoaDay, I've been taking a few more photos than normal. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm already a little photo obsessed. I just love capturing a moment and sometimes when I don't have my camera in an instant, I think "dang, that would have been a good photo." 

Photo taken Saturday while trying not to get antsy for the group 10 am trail run.

Here's to a fabulous day/week/month!


Raina said…
Photography is such an art! This is really beautiful, Lauren.

And I need a little sunlight today- things are a little gray in SW Oregon.
I love that photo! How creative!
Lisa's Yarns said…
Oo, I love that photo, too! I have been participating in Febphotoaday, too! I missed 2 days when i was in Charlotte, but have done well at keeping up!
Amber said…
Love that photo!!! I'm wishing I'd gotten in on the photo of a day thing for Feb since I'm taking photo's every day for my 365 project anyways! I will definitely do it in March if there is another one in March!

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