I gave more than just blood today...

I didn't give much sweat, but I'll admit I shed a few tears.

I donate blood fairly regularly, being the good person that I am. Ok, maybe it's just the fact that I haven't had West Nile virus, haven't lived with anyone with Hepatitis B or had sex with a male who has had sex with another male before 1979. I think that's one of the questions.

Anywho, today it hurt like hell and I cried. Apparently, having low blood pressure and being a small person isn't so favorable when giving blood. The first sign was when she said "oh, it looks like a pretty small vein, but I think I can do it." Great lady, stab away. Well, she tried all right and sure enough no blood. Ignore this if you're queasy. I did. I shut my eyes and willed the tears to stay inside, but no dice. My fav lady came over to help and move the thing around until the precious red stuff started flowing into the bag.

When I was nearly finished, one of the nurses says, "oh, this is a slow draw. If we don't finish in a few minutes we'll have to throw the donation away." Are you serious? No freaking way. I did not come in here to get stabbed and then get a pint of my perfectly good blood thrown away. So I squeezed that damn rubber ball like no one's business and wiggled my feet around (b/c apparently that helps the blood flow) and got 'er done in time. Note to self: next time act like a crazy woman and flail legs so as to pump blood much faster and help distract you from the thing in your arm.

Now I have a bruise and an arm that hurts to even bend. So much for being a good person. And lady, every time you say "no strenuous exercise for 24 hrs" please know that in my mind that means "don't go run a marathon tonight." Just sayin'...


Britni said…
I'm never given blood because I tried to give plasma once and passed out and woke up puking. Just doesn't do my body good.
P.O.M. said…
Hi. Just found your blog. I gave blood once when I was 22. I passed out! And was soooo bruised the next day (from wrist to armpit) that my boss called me in for a "talk." She thought my boyfriend had beat me up. Never again. I say.
Laura said…
I gave blood in high school when they had a blood drive, so now I'm on the list. I never make appointments to donate, but if they call me, I'll do it. I cry every single time.
Rachel H. said…
I've never given blood, because I'm under the weight limit! I don't mind about that!

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