Let the summer reading begin...

So, last week my friend Jenn invited me to this book exchange party and I have to say, as nerdy as it sounds, it was great! I brought some old books I was ready to part with, threw them on the table, and in exchange came home with about 10 nearly brand new books that I had at one time or another considered buying on one of my many trips to Borders.

While I wasn't picking out great American novels, I did pick up some great girly, trashy, shopping, city-inspired fiction to fill my idle summer hours with excitement. Some people go to Paris or jump off bridges. I live vicariously through the lives of those in the books in hopes that some of it might rub off on to me.

To throw your own successful book exchange party simply send the e-vites, pick a signature drink and some finger food, gather a few good books you're finished with and voila!


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