Why Being the Parent of a 9-Month-Old is Tough

Let me preface this to say, I don't think a nine-month-old is the hardest baby age. I'm not sure there is one really. Each baby and stage is SO different with unique challenges.

But for us, nine months has been somewhere between frustrating and wonderful. For nine months, I basically let Greyson's schedule be whatever it would be. Meaning, if he woke up at 5 a.m. one day and 6:30 another, his naps would be completely different. The naps were good (1-2 hours usually), but not at a specific time. There was no schedule. This method is completely fine and works. In my opinion, you do not HAVE to put your baby on a schedule (although it might bring more sanity to your life if you do).

I work three days a week and am home with the boys the other days. The lack of a schedule didn't really bother me any until it did. For his first five months of life, he woke up every two hours through the night to nurse and I went along with it. Gradually, he started stretching his sleep to three or even four hours on occasion, which felt glorious and manageable.

But somewhere between eight and nine months, he not only started waking up every 2-3 hours, but after I'd nurse him and lay him down, he would scream and all of a sudden be wide awake. Not ideal at 1, 2, 3 or 4 am... When I felt desperate, I'd either bring him out to the living room to tire him out for an hour (or more) with toys, or I would pull him into bed, nurse a bit more and try to get him back to sleep.

Sometime in the last few weeks, I hit a breaking point. A few nights in a row I was up for multiple hours on end trying to nurse, rock, entertain, change diaper, nurse again, etc. only to have a wide-eyed baby crying back at me each time I put him down for sleep. After one particularly bad night where I was up from 12-4 am (I nearly lost my sh*t that night), I declared it time to start sleep training.

We had generally followed The Baby Whisperer 's sleep methods with Henry and were happy with how effective it was in teaching him to self soothe without letting him cry forever. After a week or so of following this with Greyson, I'm not confident this will be enough. I feel we've made small steps forward, but nothing earth shattering. I am still needing to nurse him a few times in the night (~11, 1, 4/5) after he simply will not give in when Pete tries to soothe him back to sleep.

I think we are also coming to the conclusion that it's time to move the little guy's crib from our room into Henry's room. I'm just fearful that if we do that, we'll all of a sudden have two children wide awake at night (which has happened a few times in the last two months as well). 😁

I'm reminding myself that there is a lot going on in Greyson's development between gaining the skills necessary to walk (he pulls up to standing on nearly everything) and popping a new tooth every few weeks it seems. I hope that this is just a phase that changes soon without much more struggle, but we'll see.

Additionally, with his new sharp teeth on top, the nursing department has been very painful on one side. As in toe curling, cursing to yourself silently painful. I even had to call the lactation consultants today to ask how to decrease the pain and let a puncture on my breast heal while continuing to nurse on that side. Oh the joys of motherhood!

But for all the bad, there's good and great, too! Every morning I wake up thankful for coffee and truly enjoy the ritual of making my pour-over half caff coffee. I love the bond Greyson and Henry have. The way their eyes light up when they first see each other in the morning is my favorite. Greyson is getting close to walking, but for now just wants to be standing at everything, which of course also means falling and bonking his head on occasion. And his deep belly laughs and giggles when his brother does something hilarious are something else.

Okay, I think that about sums it up for now. Nine months has been hard on us and I can't even fathom how in less than three months I'll have a one-year-old.

I hope you're having a great week. Feel free to leave me your favorite sleep book/tip or just a funny "I can relate" story.


Lisa's Yarns said…
Oh man, that is brutal. Paul was getting up 3-5 times a night in the fall when he was around 7-9 months because of ear infections. I didn't feel comfortable letting him cry when we knew he was potentially in pain. We had sleep trained him in the summer to teach him how to fall asleep on his own so we knew he had that skill but waited until the tubes were in to cut out the night feeds. So starting in December we slowly eliminated feeds until we were down to 1 feed around 4 am. Then we cut that out in late Feb and he finally slept through the night the week he turned 1. Most of the babies in my mom's group started sleeping through the night at 6 months so he was definitely THE WORST sleeper in the group. It was brutal.

Paul still isn't on a set schedule and until he drops to 1 nap I don't think he will be. He is on a set schedule at school as he naps at 10 and 2 (although each nap is only 30 minutes on a really good day, otherwise they can be as short at 10-20 minutes!). On weekends his naps vary and the time he goes down varies. It makes it so hard to make plans so I kind of try not to make plans so I'm not risking having to wake him. But our week days are so dang busy with getting out the door at 6:50 so I don't mind unplanned weekends. My how life has changed since having a baby!

Hang in there, mama. The sleep deprivation is so awful and it all falls on you since you are nursing. I guess that was one upside to pumping - Phil and I could split the nights! And another upside to pumping was not being bitten. OUCH!!
Amber said…
Oh man, Lauren. That is super tough! Olivia was up every 1.5-2 hours SCREAMING when she was 5ish months old and it was just before 6 months when I did sleep training with her. I quickly discovered trying to soothe her just made her worse so had two hard nights of her crying for an hour... but then she was great after that and never cried longer than 10-15 mins and started waking up way way less at night. This was also around the time when she could put her own pacifier back in and I think that helped a lot as well. We're now dealing with the transition down to 1 nap and it's been tough as she can get very whiney. So some days we do 2 naps and some days 1... so we're still not really on a set schedule either! Olivia didn't sleep through the night until 11ish months and then we had about 2 months of EARLY wake ups (like 5 - 5:30, up for the day!) and then since 13ish months she's been consistently sleeping 7-7, give or take. I really hope that happens for you guys soon. Keeping my fingers crossed for you! It would be tough to sleep train with G still in your room for sure. Is there like a large closet he could sleep in maybe?? Thinking of you, mama!
correen b. said…
We have an almost 8 month old girl & this 2nd time (our son in 3 1/2) sleep training has been so much harder! Our daughter is very stubborn & can cry a long time. My husband and I have her sleeping in the master bedroom while we sleep in what was supposed to be her bedroom. It’s hard when you have another child who’s sleep can be ruined by letting them cry. As of the weekend, we’re getting her used to sleeping in a crib. It’s been rough. I’m so sorry you’re experiencing such a lack of sleep. I hope your family finds something that works & that you get some sleep in the near future.

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