Pregnancy: 14 to 16 Weeks

I'm currently sitting at 25 weeks pregnant. Read on for my 14-16 week recap. I've drafted several posts journal style throughout this pregnancy, but am still working on getting you caught up. Maybe I'll do so before the baby's born, eh?

Weeks 14-16 // December 2017 

I remember this feeling well. That point in pregnancy at which you feel like your body is being taken over by pregnancy, by this new little life form. Only this time, I think it's happening much earlier.

My boobs didn't stretch, swell and hurt at five weeks like they did with my first pregnancy. This time, that happened around 10 weeks. And around that time, my jeans started becoming uncomfortable, my waistline was quickly thickening and my body quickly became a landscape I no longer recognized, yet again.

And it's all fine and good. I know it's for an important cause, but it doesn't mean I'm instantly accepting of this new landscape.

I'm also at that funny place where I've told my good friends, but not the whole world that I am pregnant. I find myself oddly protective and not quite ready to announce it to anyone and everyone. And yet, I realize that my quickly rounding belly is making it hard to disguise.

With a few unexpected changes in the latter part of 2017, it's honestly been hard to find as much as excitement about this sweet little baby as I was when pregnant with Henry. Seeing as today is January 1, 2018, I'm looking forward to changing that and moving forward opening my heart to this new little one.

Our 20 week anatomy scan is coming up in three weeks, and I'm confident that will get both Pete and I especially excited for what's to come. And this time (unlike with Henry), we're planning to find out the sex of the baby, which I think will help too.

Also around this time, the combination of extra shifts at work + Christmas prep (late night wrapping and trips to Michael's for photo frames) + pregnancy had me extra tired. A few days after Christmas, I came down with the flu or a very bad cold that wiped me out for a solid week.

Thank goodness for Oiselle lux track pants and Brooks Levitates. I wore this outfit for a solid three days straight (minus changing into my PJs for bed).

Comfort when you're sick = everything

Pete also got really sick, but somehow Henry managed to stay healthy.  

Weight gained: 4-6 lbs

What I'm wearing: Still wearing some of my regular jeans with the assistance of a hair tie and/or belly band to keep them up.

Exercise: I had probably one of my last runs of this pregnancy, running 4 miles with a friend and our toddlers in strollers. As soon as I got a bit of a belly, the impact of running just hasn't felt great, so I've been doing a lot more walking with short jogging stretches. I'm also stepping up my strength game, trying to lift 3-4 days a week for 20-30 minutes at a time.

Alrighty, time for bed! I hope you had a great weekend. These days, I could go to bed around 8:00 pm, although I don't often hit the hay until 10:30 or so...


Lisa's Yarns said…
I struggled with having my body taken over, too. Even though it was for a wonderful and exciting reason. It’s tough to lose control. We waited until about 16 weeks to publicly announce it. I preferred having it out in the open. Especially since I was out of work with so many flares and felt like my coworkers must have wondered what was up. I told my 2 colleagues on my team before 16 weeks so they knew why my RA was so bad!

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